#WorkingBetterTogether19 Conference


Improving our responses to the exploitation of children and young people

Following the success of our first ever conference ‘Making Justice Work’ back in 2017, we are really excited to announce that we are hosting our second conference – ‘#WorkingBetterTogether19’ – on 19th September!

The aim of the conference is to address the continuing sexual and criminal exploitation of children and young people, with victims’ voices and perspectives at the forefront.

Speakers/facilitators will share cutting edge research and innovative practice developments from across the country.

With an anticipated audience of 100 professionals from across England, this will also be an excellent opportunity to network and create further opportunities for partnership work.

Ultimately, our aim is to contribute to improvements in working better together as professionals in all our responses to exploited young people, as well as prosecuting perpetrators.

By hosting the conference in West Yorkshire, we also aim to address the relative lack of conferences that comprehensively address the exploitation of young people outside of London, offering great value for money as well as making a small contribution to a local award winning charity.

We are also really excited to announce that we have a number of student & charity rate tickets available (reduced from £75 to £50), thanks to the kind sponsorship of Ramsdens LLP and the Age Partnership Foundation!

The final line-up is as follows:

Ann Coffey MP
MP for Stockport & Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Runaway & Missing Children & Adults

Evan Jones
Head of Child Criminal Exploitation Development at the St. Giles Trust

Phil Ashford
Manager of the CSE Response Unit at the NWG Network

Shannon Little & Mariel Kirton
Victim Support Young Person’s ISVA Team

Chris Tuck
The Truth Project, part of the Independent Inquiry into CSA

Dr. Pam Jarvis & Syra Shakir
Reader & Associate Principle Lecturer, both at Leeds Trinity University’s Institute of Childhood & Education

Bob Balfour
Survivor & CEO of Survivors West Yorkshire

Sabah Kaiser
Survivor & BAME Ambassador to the Independent Inquiry into CSA

Emma Stephens

Social Worker & CSE Doctoral Student

Stephen Barron
Detective Superintendent at Northumbria Police & Head of Operation Sanctuary

2 x Parents
The Safe Project, part of Leeds Child & Family Services

Michael Quinn & Martin Hawes
Senior District Crown Prosecutor responsible for the Yorkshire & Humberside Complex Casework Unit, & District Crown Prosecutor in CPS Rape & Serious Sexual Offences Unit


Date:              Thursday 19th September 2019

Rate:              £50 – 75 per person

Location:      St Georges Conference Centre


For more info about the conference please email: amber.wilson@basisyorkshire.org.uk or Olivia.fuller@basisyorkshire.org.uk

Tickets can be booked via Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/workingbettertogether19-improving-our-responses-to-the-exploitation-of-young-people-tickets-62252847944