Category Archives: General News

Basis awarded prestigious Homeless Link Funding to Help End Homelessness

Basis Yorkshire a local Leeds charity that works with indoor and street-based sexworkers and young people who are sexually exploited has been awarded from Homeless Link’s Ending Women’s Homelessness grants programme, funded by the Government’s Tampon Tax Fund. Basis Yorkshire is one of 29 charities across England, working with women who are homeless or at … Continue reading Basis awarded prestigious Homeless Link Funding to Help End Homelessness »

Basis Housing First Pilot shows positive outcomes for women’s health and wellbeing in evaluation by University of Leeds

We’re pleased to present today the final evaluation of the Leeds pilot scheme of “Housing First”, offering secure homes for a number of sex workers with extremely complex needs. Thought to be the first of its kind in the country, the project has been evaluated by a researcher from the University of Leeds, Emma Bimpson, … Continue reading Basis Housing First Pilot shows positive outcomes for women’s health and wellbeing in evaluation by University of Leeds »