In Kind Donations

Having an office clear out or de-cluttering at home? Still have some Christmas gifts lying around? Let us know!

As well as monetary donations we are also always very grateful for in kind donations that we can give out to the people we support. Although our space is limited, we are always in need of:

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, towel, shower gels)
  • Clothes (particularly smaller sizes)
  • Non-perishable food items (chocolate, crisps, tins, hot chocolate for outreach!)
  • Plastic bags (for food parcels)

If you have things you would like to donate, please drop us a message on social media or give the office a ring to organise a time to drop off your donation.

Why not watch this video to find out more about our work with women and young people?

Donate to our Wishlist

We also have an Amazon Wishlist, and gratefully receive any items from the list!

Give as you Live

Sign up to GiveasyouLive – a % of your online purchases from any major retailer is automatically donated to us