Basis Sex Work Project has been awarded funding by NHS Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group to reduce the barriers faced by sex workers in accessing health services.
NHS Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group is the NHS organisation responsible for buying and planning healthcare for people living in the South and East of the city. It is estimated that around three quarters of the women involved in sex work in Leeds are working in inner South and East Leeds areas of the city, and around half live in these areas as well.
The grant, which was awarded from the CCG’s Third Sector Grant Scheme, will be used to find ways to help Basis Yorkshire’s service users to better engage with healthcare services in their area. Basis’ Health Support & Advocacy Worker Nicky Pickup explains:
“My role will be to provide holistic health related information, advice, advocacy and support to female sex workers in Leeds South and East locality by providing health promotion interventions and intensive support on an outreach and case management basis. I will also be looking at the barriers faced by sex workers in accessing health services and ways of engaging them more to improve their health and wellbeing.”
Support will be offered around a variety of health related issues including:
- Registering with a GP
- Cervical screening
- Sexual health
- Drug & alcohol related conditions
- Long term conditions
- Mental health services
- Dental
- Opticians
If you would like any further information please contact Nicky on or 07711 444308.