Some great news! We’ve been awarded a 3 year Children in Need grant to continue our successful specialist one to one work with Young People experiencing or at risk of CSE. This will allow us to keep on our skilled and experienced Young Peopl’es Outreach Worker Carwen Jones, to provide a vital service to girls and young women being sexually exploited or at medium to high risk thereof, offering a safe space for them to talk to someone they trust about how they feel, to help them recognise the risks they face and what they need to make a positive change in their lives. Carwen Jones, whose post will be funded by this new grant said: “Its brilliant news – I’m so pleased we can continue to support young girls and women in Leeds for this much –needed service”.
We have also just received a small grant from the Safer Communities from the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner to support young girls that have experienced CSE and require therapeutic care and to develop resources specifically for young people with learning difficulties/disabilities. Basis CEO Gemma Scire said “We are extremely grateful for the support and recognition of our work by Children In Need and the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner. However, we are acutely aware that even with this funding, we still don’t have enough resource to meet the demands and will therefore continue to work hard to raise more funds for our young people’s work and work alongside our partners to address issues of CSE” Find out how you too can help here!