Tag Archives: Professionals

In Their Own Words: 7 Tips on Supporting Young People

In their Own Words: Tips on How Best to Support Young People

In this blog we share six tips from Young People to professional on how they can best support a young person who is or has experienced CEA. All of these tips were taken from the ‘CEA Hasn’t Gone Away’ booklet which you can download from our campaign page . 1. Validate their experiences and emotions. … Continue reading In Their Own Words: 7 Tips on Supporting Young People »

Why Language Matters: Professionals Supporting Young People

CEA Day 2022

Understanding why language matters is a really important part of supporting Young People who have experienced CEA. As part for our #CSEAwareness Campaign we’re sharing some examples of poor language and explain the negative impact this can have, we then look at some good language and phrases Young People have heard and why these have … Continue reading Why Language Matters: Professionals Supporting Young People »