We can help you with accessing information and support from us or other agencies on the following:
- Housing (through Housing Options)
- Accessing our Housing First Program
- Support with accessing and appealing benefits
- Help with Local Authority Assistance and emergency food parcels
You can find out more information by calling us on 0113-243-0036 or attending our drop in Mon-Wed (1-4pm) at the office.
Housing First
The Housing First scheme (limited access) allows us to offer fast track access to housing for service users who meet the following criteria:
- Multiple disadvantages (incl. mental health, history with criminal justice)
- Homeless (or vulnerable housing)
- Women (or identifying as) sex worker
- Limited/no access to mainstream housing
- In need of intensive support
How to refer:
Fill out a Adult-Referral-Form/ Adult Referral form (PDF) and send it to info-basis@basisyorkshire.org.uk
A joint needs/risk assessment is made in partnership with Turning Lives Around. Housing First is unconditional other than engaging with Basis. Support is not only to find a property anywhere in Leeds; in addition intensive support is offered for as long as is necessary. Please note that we have a limited number of spaces and there is currently a waiting list.
To read more about the Basis Housing First Project as well as our evaluation, please click here.