Meet the Team

Moya (she/her)


I am the current CEO at Basis Yorkshire, who have been working with sex working women, sexual exploitation survivors, and sexually exploited children for nearly 30 years. Basis is a GSK Kings Fund Award winning organisation for its positive impact on community health. In my role, I work in partnership with statutory and third sector agencies on issues relating to sex work, sexual exploitation as well as child sexual exploitation and abuse. This involves work with staff and service users, partners and our Board of Trustees to promote the safety and wellbeing of the people we work with, tackling stigma and discrimination and work on changing systems which often prevent access to services and support.

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Amber (she/her)

Business Development and Marketing Manager

My role is to identify new opportunities to further meet the needs of our service users and source funding for these, either on our own or through partnerships, raise awareness of and funds in the community for our work as well as advocate for our service users through social media, our website, newsletters etc. I also coordinate and promote our training and awareness raising program.

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Rebekah (she/her)

Service Delivery Manager (YP Team) Safeguarding Lead

I am the Service Delivery Manager for the young people’s team. I help support the team in their roles. I attend meetings around Leeds, Bradford and Hul about our service and how we can work with other agencies to support young people. I am also the safeguarding lead for Basis and am the person who you can contact if you have any concerns, compliments or complaints about our service.

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Service Delivery Manager

I lead the adult women's team, attending meetings and advocating for women on an individual basis and supervising staff. Alongside this, I provide training nationwide to educate about sex work and sexual exploitation, with the aim of education and reducing stigma. I enjoy developing partnerships with agencies across the city, to improve outcomes and experiences for those who we currently support and may support in the future.

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Amy (she/her)

Office Manager since July 2021

My role includes leading on HR, Policy and Procedure, Premises, Health and Safety and managing the admin team.

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Briege (she/her)

Deputy Manager of the Adult Team (Since January 2024)

My role consists of line managing the Athena contract, deputising for the Service Delivery Manager and assisting in overseeing safeguarding of the Adult Team.

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Nicky (she/her)

Navigation Support Worker (Housing First)

My role involves working with a small caseload of six women, where women requiring intensive support to navigate services are offered a stable and suitable home, along with unconditional support that is needs-based and client-led, in an area where they choose to live. The service provided by Basis is one of the only sex worker specific projects in the country and has met significant needs for women who were previously falling through the gaps of existing services. After a very successful pilot project in 2017 we have now secured further funding for three years to be able to continue to offer the Housing First scheme in collaboration with Turning Lives Around.

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Gill(ian) (she/her)

Navigation Support Worker

I am currently working as a Navigation Support Worker at Basis Yorkshire. My role is to provide both emotional and practical support to women requiring intensive support to navigate services. I work 1:1 with women and offer intensive support which prioritises their safety and wellbeing. My role relies on multi-agency partnerships and I ensure women have access to any services relevant to their needs, supporting them effectively throughout.

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Carwen (she/her)

Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Specialist (Children and Young People)

As a Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Specialist (Children and Young People) I work 1:1 with girls and young women who are being sexually exploited or significant risk thereof - building their trust, establishing a relationship, raising their awareness of the risks they are facing and how to reduce these through talking to them about CSE and related issues such as online safety, health relationships, sexual health etc. I also deliver training to other professionals in Leeds and elsewhere to other professionals and deliver awareness sessions in schools about CSE, online safety and consent.

Currently on maternity leave.

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Devin (she/her)

Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Specialist (16+) since 2015

As a Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Specialist (Children and Young People) I work 1:1 with all young people who are being sexually exploited or at significant risk thereof - building their trust, establishing a relationship, raising their awareness of the risks they are facing and how to reduce these through talking to them about CSE and related issues such as online safety, health relationships, sexual health etc. I also deliver training to other professionals in Leeds and elsewhere to other professionals and deliver awareness sessions in schools about CSE, online safety and consent.

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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Worker/Specialist since April 2022

As a sexual abuse and exploitation specialist (children and young people) my role is to provide support and 1:1 sessional work to the children and young people who are at risk of experiencing, are experiencing or have experienced sexual abuse and/or exploitation. My role is to develop a trusting relationship with the child or young person so that they know they have someone to talk to that will support them and listen to them. I help empower and support children and young people to move forward in their lives following their experiences of trauma and abuse.

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Sexual Abuse & Exploitation Specialist (YP)

I work with young people and children who are at risk of and/or experiencing sexual exploitation. My role is to provide a safe space for clients to be themselves! Young people who are experiencing CSE usually have multiple professionals involved in their lives and I hope to be a professional who can give emotional and practical support with regards to healthy relationships, consent, risk, sexual health and personal safety. This can be at home, on walks, in a cafe or just virtually over WhatsApp or the phone. Whatever that young person needs.

I passionately believe that young people and children need support that mirrors their needs and preferences, and not just the concerns that are held by professionals or adults in their lives. They need space to talk about their hobbies, what makes them happy, their passions and their joy as much as their risks, worries and problems. This helps with building a healthy working relationship and then can lead to better communication.

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Izzie (she/her)

Fundraising Officer since October 2023

I work as part of the Basis team to organise and facilitate our fundraising activities. With a focus primarily on individual and community giving, I've been focussing on setting up these streams of income since I joined Basis in this new role.

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Phoebe (they/them)

Communications Assistant since August 2024

I work in the Basis team supporting communications and marketing activity. This includes our social media platforms, newsletters and website.

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Neve (she/they)

Project Assistant since August 2024

I am completing this role as part of a year in industry during my Criminology and Criminal Justice degree. My role is to support Basis Young People, ASE and Basis Sex Work Project. This role is very flexible, but includes marketing and communications, social media, fundraising, research and logistical or administrative support. As a studying criminologist, I am passionate about Basis’ goal to end stigma, create safety and promote empowerment. I am particularly passionate about the inclusion of transgender women and non-binary identities within this. Over the course of the year I am hoping to support in the further inclusion and awareness of the specific challenges these communities face.

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Intensive Support Navigation Worker since July 2024

I have a background of working with those in active addiction both with adults and children and supporting them in all areas of their lives. I have worked in this field since leaving University after studying Criminology with Police Studies in Leeds.

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Roisin (they/them)

Group Support Worker since September 2024

I’m a group support worker at Basis. My role mainly involves setting up and facilitating group work for our service users, including our drop-in sessions and our new young people’s groups. I also help coordinate other services, researchers, and workshops to come to our drop-ins.

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Esme (she/her)

LGBTQ+ Sexual Exploitation Specialist since October 2024

I am the LGBTQ+ sexual exploitation specialist at Basis Yorkshire. I support young people and adult women who are at risk of/have been sexually exploited/abused. My role is to develop trusting relationships and offer a safe space for young people to be heard while providing trauma informed, holistic support around topics such as consent, sexual health, boundaries, online safety, self-esteem, and healthy relationships. I help empower and support LGBTQ+ young people to move forward in their lives following their experiences of trauma and abuse.

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Daniel (they/them)

Finance Admin since August 2024

My role at Basis is to support the wider team by looking after the day-to-day finances of the charity; processing expenses and supporting the Finance Manager.

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