Street Outreach – Reaches out

Genesis, supported by Leeds University School of Sociology and Social Policy carried out an intensive mapping of street sex work in Leeds. This was carried out for two weeks at the end of October 2013. As well as us learning a lot about what the current needs are of women involved in street street sex work in Leeds, when and where people are working, it was was carried out to help us decide when best to deliver a new additional street outreach session to our service users.

From mid January we will be out on the streets delivering outreach to street sex workers in Leeds every Wednesday and Friday night. Outreach is really important for meeting new service users, letting them know about our services, delivering health, safety and other critical harm reduction interventions (including information about loads of issues such as sexual health, other health mattters, housing, drug and alchol problems, welfare benfits, distributing food parcels, personal safety alarms, safety advice and taking ugly mugs reports), crisis intervention, letting women know what support can be offered, referring women to a wide range of services. After each outreach session a lot of work takes place by, our adult outreach and support workers follow up on request for support and liase with a wide range of other partner agencies such as sexual health services, the police, housing services. Volunteers and financial donations are vital to enable this outreach to continue, please go to Just Giving to supporting some of the most vulnerable women in the city through our work.


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