Sexwork is not illegal in England & Wales but many activities associated with it are:
Below is a summary of the current legal position in England and Wales
- A prostitute is defined by law as someone who has offered or provided sexual services to another person in return for any financial arrangement on at least one occasion.
- Working as a prostitute in private is legal.
- Working as an escort is legal as long as escort agencies are not controlling.
It is illegal for a prostitute to solicit or loiter in a public place. - A prostitute can be subject to a section 17 order requiring her to engage with support services.
- A prostitute may be subject to anti-social behaviour orders which may prohibit her from entering specific areas.
- Local authorities may also use their powers to issue civil injunctions against prostitutes to exclude them from specific areas. A brothel is defined as premises where two or more prostitutes or escorts work.
- It is an offence for a person to keep, or to manage, or act or assist in the management of, a brothel.
Basis Sex Work Project can provide you with safety, information and support surrounding your rights and welfare. We have an Advice and Support work trained to provide specialist advice around welfare, benefits, and housing.
We can also provide information on sex work, the law and sex worker rights, and support around family issues and sex workers rights.
- Call or email the office (10am-5pm Monday to Friday):
- Contact us through our Facebook page or DM us on Twitter
- You can leave us a message on our chat feature on this website. Just click on the ‘chat with us‘ icon on the bottom right hand corner of the webpage and will we get back you as soon as we can (we are live online from Mon – Fri 1-4)