Rosie on BBC Women’s hour!

Together with Detective Superintendent Tim Keelan Merseyside Police and  a sex worker  based in Edinburgh Mollie, our CEO Rosie took part in a BBC Women’s Hour discussion about whether attacks on sex workers should be treated as hate crime. The discussion  as exploring the well-renowned Merseyside model of policing prostitution which includes treating rimes against sex workers as hate crime. Rosie Campbell was coordinator of the sex work project in Liverpool when this approached was introduced and she worked with Merseyside Police to introduce a range of measures to improve responses to crimes against sex workers. Both Rosie and Tim asserted the importance of moving away from an enforcement based approach to policing prostitution; ‘We must protect the rights of sex workers, including their right to protection from crime and to justice in the criminal justice system’, said Rosie, increasing their safety through a multi-agency approach with the police.
If you’d like to catch up on this BBC Women’s Hour program, have a listen on the link here: