Young Peoples Words – Anxiety coming out of Lockdown

Anxiety coming out of lockdown – Written by a Lioness

There is finally a light at the end of what has been a very long tunnel for everyone. Whilst for some, this may feel freeing and be such positive news there are others who will be fearful of the return to normal life. They may fear catching the virus, passing it onto loved ones, or being in public situations again, this list is not exhaustive and there may be many reasons behind people’s feelings.

It is important to say that no matter how you are feeling now, it is ok. We have lived through a pandemic, a global crisis, it is normal to not feel ok after something so traumatic. You do not have to rush back into your ‘normal’ life, the world has changed, and you need to go at your own pace.

Please remember that you are not alone, there are so many people who can support you and if you are feeling anxious please seek help, below are a few services you can access for support.


Basis Yorkshire – 0113 2430036

Childline –0800 1111

Samaritans – 116 113

MindWell Leeds – Mental Health resources.

Blurt foundation – Sign up to a regular wellbeing email.


Lioness – 18 years old.